How to Tell if Someone is Lying Over the Phone

Saying the truth doesn’t take a lot of effort. You feel light and sometimes on top of the world. Also, lying can be hard work, and let’s not forget the consequences after getting caught. When you are physically present in front of your human being, it is easy to tell that they are not saying the truth. Their facial expressions are a giveaway and they might even fidget.

But how do you say that someone is lying over the phone?

There are some things that might give you a hint that someone is lying during a call. We’d like to ask – Why do you want to know?

It is possible that your boyfriend/girlfriend lies time and again. As per you, they’re a perpetual liar. Even your mother could lie over the phone that she is 100% healthy and safe but she may not want to get you all worked up.

Hints detect a liar over the phone

Ahem! Excuse me

When a person is lying, they don’t have words in their mouth. They want the conversation to stop or just want to divert your attention. If you ask a loaded question to this person and they clear their throat before answering, it is a classic hint that they are thinking of an excuse.

Telling a lie is complex – it brings about physical changes in our bodies. You can’t hide your true emotions and that’s why the clearing of throat can be a giveaway that this person is a liar.
People usually clear their threat before a lie passes their lips. You can just tell that this person is getting uncomfortable.

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Hold that thought! It is also possible that the person on the other side of the phone has a sore throat. Please check with them before jumping to conclusions.

Too many Ums

‘’Ummm…. Well!”
Too many ums are not a good sign. If it is a YES or NO answer, people should be able to give a direct response. An um or well is not needed for a YES or NO question.
If this person is using too many um(s) or well(s), you should know that they are lying. Do note that fabricating a passable answer can be difficult and it takes time for the brain to process.

Too much blabbering

A liar will always give explanations. If you point them out, they would give a long answer instead of accepting their mistake. If they are diverting the topic and blabbering about things that are not related to what you asked, then this person is a liar. You can keep a safe distance and avoid all the drama.

Blabbering too much is a sign that the person is trying to hide the truth. They are just trying to convince you that they are telling the truth and you should believe them.

That Don’t Impress Me Much

A liar will try to hide the truth by showering compliments. Here’s something you can try:
Ask your partner about the other night. Why were they late? If your partner tries to divert the question by complimenting you, there is something fishy. Straightforward questions should be answered as quickly and in simple words.

Please note that this conversation will happen over a call. You can’t see his expressions or the way he is fidgeting. If your partner is away for a business tour (like they say) but they are not telling you any details, call them and ask directly. In case the partner gives a direct answer, you can sleep peacefully. But if this partner is giving compliments or diverting the topic, you need to worry and find out the truth.

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In case your partner is showering unexpected compliments, something is wrong and they are hiding the truth. You need to look out for such signs as these could be detrimental to your relationship.

Aggression doesn’t suit you, honey

A liar will get aggressive and upset if you call them out. They try to change the subject or confuse you by showcasing hostility or aggression. This person is a liar and you should call them out. If they are being nasty to you for calling them out, it is best to leave them alone.

Accepting mistakes and apologizing does not take a lot of time. Sorry is just one word and saying the truth isn’t hard. The person on the other end of the phone gets aggressive when you ask probing questions. They answer the question with a hostile tone. A person who speaks the truth does not need to get agitated. This is a warning sign and you must watch out.

What to do if someone is lying to you over the phone?

There is little you can do to change this person. You can call them out and tell them that you know the truth. You can also stay silent and choose to not believe the lies they are feeding you. As an individual, you have the power to walk away, and politely decline their calls. So, if this person is special, you need to rethink your equation with them.

We will give you an example. Let’s say there are two women, Anna and Sam. They both grew up together and had a good time during their college days. Anna calls up Sam and asks whether they can meet. Sam makes up an excuse saying she has work. But Anna figures out that Sam is lying as she took a lot of time to respond. The response was full of um(s).

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Anna knows in her heart that Sam could be lying, but she chooses to ignore it. So, she steps out of her home and takes the metro. Boom! She sees Sam in the same station waiting for the metro. Thus, Sam lied to Anna about being at work, but she was actually heading to a party. Now, Anna calls out and Sam gets defensive and spins the truth.

In such cases, you can just feel pity for the liar. They would have to add more lies to cover up their initial lie. Thus, it’s best to leave and be around people who genuinely care for you. If someone hides things from you, there could be a very good reason, but friends and family should rely on you.
Now that you are aware of the signs, you will know the next time someone lies to you when talking to them on a phone call.

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