How to Find Out if Someone is Lying about their Degree

Isn’t it heartbreaking when someone lies about their degree? If you are a stranger to them, it does not feel as bad, but lying to your family members can be gruesome.

They brag about it like they are the most educated person in the world. Words don’t count – actions do! If someone is bragging about a degree they don’t possess, it just shows on their face. In case they are good at lying, they will get away with it and make everyone believe that they are over-qualified.

In a professional setting, you want the candidates to be honest about their college degree and achievements. That’s because you have to hire the right set of people. When someone lies about their degree, it becomes problematic for the company.

In a company setting, it is too difficult to hide your qualifications unless someone made a fake degree certificate.

The question is – How do you find out that someone is lying about their degree? There are some ways to find out the educational qualifications of the other person. Knowing the ways could save you from scamsters who have been posing as over-qualified professionals.

Here’s an article that talks about this subject and highlights the ways you can find out whether the degree is real or exists in wonderland.

Why would anyone lie about their degree?

There are many reasons for lying about a degree. We have jotted down the possible reasons someone could lie:

They want to create an impression – Everyone needs attention (at least some of us do) and for that, people can go to any extend. They may lie about the degree and even say they got top student award in college. Men and women tend to brag about their degree in front of distant relatives and the opposite sex. They want the opposite sex to get attracted and hang out with them. Does it work in the real world? You bet, it does!

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The liar wants to feel good about themselves (even if they have to lie) – Some people are just insecure and not very confident. They live a sad life with no friends and no degree. These people want to feel important in front of others. Even if they have to fabricate the lie, it is an easy task for them. They think that nobody would ever find out so might as well lie and feel like the king/queen of the world. God’s watching, my friend!

Peer pressure can be a burden – When we meet our old friends, everyone talks about their achievements. What if someone has no achievements and feels less worthy in front of his/her friends? They would make up a story and lie about a degree they possess. Even if they are not an MBA or a post-graduate, they might tell everyone that they are the brightest student in the class. It’s easy for them to make up a lie and tell the world how important they are. Such people feel insecure and jealous of other’s achievements. They cannot be happy for anyone else. To make themselves feel superior, they will lie about their degree.

How to catch someone lying about their degree?

There are some ways to figure out whether this person is lying or being truthful. We will try to be as crisp as we can. But before you dive into the real meat of this article, you must ask yourself a question. Why are you bothered whether their degree is for real or fake?

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Some people are just curious and need gossip. Do you fit in this category?
Others want to protect themselves from a liar. If this person is lying about their degree, they could lie about their whole life. This is a fair point and you have all the right to find out the truth.

There are some people who have to find out for professional reasons. If you are going to do business with this person or hire them, you should know whether the degree is real or fake.

The first reason is not convincing, but the other two are legit.

Here are some ways through which you can find out whether this person is lying about this degree:

  1. Ask them to show their degrees. It is possible that the person has made a fake degree but you would still know. If it is a professional setting, you must see the degree and other relevant certificates.
  2. Call the institution and check whether they passed out from a particular college/university. Colleges have records of their alumni, so it is best to cross-check with the college.
  3. These days people ask for references before hiring someone for the job. This liar cannot hide his qualifications from an interview board. People are going to make calls to the references and cross-check all the details.
  4. Ask this person to introduce you to his college friends. Meet them personally and find out whether they went to a particular college or not. If he/she makes up some excuse, you would know that this person is lying.
  5. Check the social media profile of this person. Usually, people list their qualifications on Facebook and LinkedIn. You would get to know if this person is lying or saying the truth.
  6. Meet the parents: In case you are dating this person, you have the right to meet his/her parents. Parents are naïve and they never lie about their son/daughter’s achievements. If they tell you that the person is from a particular college, you are in a safe zone.
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Concluding Thoughts

Lying about a degree may seem cool when you lie about it. Yes, people will be impressed with your qualifications but nobody is a fool.
They may find out your true side sooner or later. If you are being a witness to lies, consider opting for one of the ways mentioned above.
The truth will come out sooner or later. But you have to be sure whether this cause is important to you. There are better things to do than finding out details about someone’s degree.

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